Sunday 8 February 2009

New semester, new things...

Hey all!!!

Its been quite some time since I've blogged about what I have been doing in my life.. Haha its the starting of the new semester and on that first day of the sem, we were greeted by snow! It was awesome, thick snow everywhere.. Hahaha.. And we all had lots of fun, throwing snowballs and making snowgirls, well, jerom and I were playing snowballs whereas vanessa did most of the snowgirl making.. heehhe, but it was fun anyways!!

Snowgirl - Flower

May and Jerom with Flower

May and Vanessa
It was said that there hasnt been any heavy snow since 1998 until now, dont know how true that was but yeahhh, even my flatmates say so.. Do u see the snow falling on our hair?? hehehe.. Anyways, i know you all are wondering where is the snow on the ground where flower is standing.. its all gone to flower, hahaha.. we kumpul all the snow and eventually made it into flower, and so the snow in that area was gone, eventually, after taking pictures, vanessa took the honour of kicking flower.. HAHAHAH!! Good one van~

Well, after the snow, on wednesday, we went to watch Mary Poppins.. OMG!! tht musical was sooo nicee.. It was practically perfect!! hahaha.. We got one of the best seats for student price(which is half of the original price)... And the actors and actresses were wonderful, it was like sooo perfect.. Hahaha.. Wonder how long did they practice ah, but then ah, when we went, there was sooo many org tua, we pressume they must have wanted to see their childhood show again, haha..

Jerom, Lilin, Chang, Wai xin, Vanessa, May

Hahaha.. This is a highly recommended musical and it is just fantastic! hehehe.. Anyways, thats all Im gonna blog for now.. xoxo!!
-May out-

Saturday 7 February 2009


Hey all,
Its almost the end of CNY and I'm starting to watch a drama called "Moonlight Resonance". The story is about family and even by watching the first episode, I've started crying and want to do a blog about family.. Hahaha.. So random but yeah, I'm inspired~

Family... Father And Mother I Love You. I've only come to realise how important family is after I've came to the UK, its like when we are home, we take everything for granted, whenever our parents are out working and all, we blame them for not taking care of us as children, but when they want us together, "some" teenagers thinks its so embarassing to be with their parents and whatsoever, I'll admit I used to be like that, but yeah, I feel my bond with my parents are getting better than before, my siblings and I are the usual crazy siblings where we just love to bully each other.. hahaha.. but yeah, let me tell you the plot of "Moonlight Resonance"

Chung Siu Hor and her husband Kam Tai Jo have been working hard for many years to establish a good reputation for their bakery. However, Hor discovers that Jo committed adultery with her best friend Yan Hong and she divorces with him miserably. Hor brings along her children Kam Wing Ho, Kam Wing Hing, and her adopted daughter Suen Ho Yuet to set up another bakery for a living. This drama revolves around the human nature, family bonds, and love of the two families.

It is quite sad, and I'm only on my third episode, now i understand why dad wanted to watch this drama, haha, he wanted to buy the Astro subscribe to watch this drama but I wanted the When Dog Meets a Cat, sekali after I came here, he bought his drama -_-'.. Haha.. But it is nice, so if anyone wanna learn cantonese and need a gd drama, I recommend this one..

What Im trying to say is, yes, there are problems in family and not every family can have a happy ending, if parents knew what is best for their children, then they wouldn't do anything that would affect the children's emotions, causing hatred to be stuck in their hearts, everytime when the child thinks about it, he/she would envy families who are so loving and a whole. I do have that envy at times since my parents were always busy at work, but I understand that they are working hard to provide a future for me and my sibs, and so we shouldnt complain. I take them as a motivation to do well in future, so that I can give them a better life to enjoy after I start the working life, but yeah, still long time to go.. Haha.. I dont know but I feel that right now, family is all that matters, whether you have money or not, as long as the family is a whole, that is the most important thing in life i guess?

Love is a great power, but it takes power to have pure love. Love your family like there's no tomorrow and cherish them for the rest of your life. If you dont understand what I'm feeling, maybe you can try watching Moonlight Resonance and see how it is when the family has to split up, it is just the most painful thing in a child's life.. I can understand how they felt(the characters).. haha..

Anyways, I guess thats all and thanks bros for the support about my flatmates thing, but i found the bowl and cutlery, the thing is its on the side and not wash again, I'm just going to wash them up and put them in my cupboard, if it happens again, yeah, just gonna be fierce and bitchy to them yeah? Hahaha..



-May out-

Wednesday 4 February 2009

May is annoyed and pizz

Thought today would be a good day, end up im being annoyed. I spent the afternoon watching Mary Poppins and the night watching the International Society Concert and was really happy until I went back to the kitchen...

Im so annoyed and pizzed with my flatmates, dont know which one is the one who cause all these annoyance but then she is soooo NOT considerate, so shit la.. Its like my knives all kena use and NOT being wash at all.. Its like the knives still got those yucky food on them, and then I sabar, I wait for them to wash it up, but one week already!! I cant tahan so end up i wash them up myself, and then my chopping board, SO GALI MAN!! Its like u kno when you use chopping board, it will have those scratch marks which u cant remove, those marks yeah became orange colour, donno wat the hell my flatmate use to cut, but please la, ITS SOOO DISGUISTING!!! End up I had to wash my chopping board myself again and its sooo annoying la!! Like what the hell!! GET YOUR OWN!!! And then ahhh, my bowl, shit man!! I like tht bowl a lot coz its useful wa, tht day i saw my bowl was filled with some soup so i was hoping whichever flatmate used it will wash it up and then put it back la, SEKALI AH!! ITS GONE~~ Im like WTF!!! My bowl first dirty and din wash for few days and now its missing.. WTH!! I really cant tahan all these man, and today what really made me more mad is my spoons all gone also!!! So pizz la, I baru use them like 2 hours ago before i went to the concert, i wash them up and then put by the side of the sink then left.. And when i came back, they all gone missing already.. HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO EAT WITHOUT SPOON!!! Use hand? WTH!! Im really sooo damn mad.. If my spoons dont show up tomorrow, Im gonna BAN them all from using my stuff.. I dont want to be a bitch but HOW CAN I CONTINUE TO STAND THIS??!!

Stupid people, better yet, i use their stuff and leave it aside la, let them wash and then maybe take some of their spoons away and hide it, see they suang or not.. So pizz off man.. How to live in harmony if wan to play police and robber? Stupid people.. BODOHH!!!!