Sunday 22 March 2009

For you...

When i see you, i didnt know what to do and what to say. All i could do was just help you in any ways I can.. I hope you were happy when we came to see you, hopefully that made you smile inside your heart..

God taken something of yours but that never stopped you.. Seeing you going up that hill, showed me your determination and it inspired me.. You were always a genius in my eyes, right now you still are but you became something more than a genius, you are a strong person... Dont give up, because we know you can do it.. Dont let this get to you, at times you may feel upset and lonely, but then you should know we all love you, and will always be there to support you spiritually and physically..

You're a natural loner, you dont like people to see you and stuff, but still, you should know deep down, we are there and you're never alone.. As I saw you cry, I didnt know what to say, but when she hugged you and talked to you, we could see that you knew what you want, your future life goals..

You can do it, we all know you can... Always and forever, we will all support you.. Forever, you'll be a great inspiration and genius in my eyes..

- We all love and support you, my dear ______...-

Thursday 19 March 2009

For Lian Hing aka Hackster

Hey all,

This blog post is specially made for Lian Hing aka Hackster. Haha, Since he wants to see spring, I'll show it to him, but hing, its only the beginning of spring, so its the beginning of nice warm weather with nice flowers starting to bloom. Of course, reality is much nicer than pictures, but I'm gonna make it a bit more special, I'll start with autumn, winter then Spring.. hahah, Summer will just have to wait? But summer would be like home, therefore, I cant wait for summer! hehehe.. Anyways, enjoy!!

The Almost coming end of autumn..
*Sorry I'm spoiling the pic, but its the only pic i got with autumn brown leaves =)*

The beginning of Winter...

Its time for the sun to shine and bring out.....

These pictures are taken from University of Manchester's campus, except the Autumn one taken at Hyde Park in London. I apologize for the lousy quality as my phone is a 3.2 Megapixel camera phone.. hehehe.. Hope you all enjoy the pics tho!!
-May out-

Wednesday 18 March 2009

Give up?


This isnt the feeling that the world is falling apart, its the feeling of sudden sadness and depression. After long hours of practice this week, I still cant do it, no improvement at all. Why? I crave for talents that people have, I feel so weak. I remember back when MOD officers asked me that question " What is your strength and weakness?"

I've thought long about that, I dont have any strengths but a hell lot of weaknesses. Why? What is my talents? I realised I dont have any. Yes, I can play the piano, but for almost 6 months, yet I suck at my current pieces. When Ryo played that time, he learns the piano by himself, yet he played it so wonderful. I've friends who are gifted with these musical abilities, to be able to sing, play musical instruments with great ability. I envy these people, who are just gifted with extraodinary talent, to be able to dance different styles, to be able to do things which I cant do. I learn them but yet, I'm not good at them, I want to have something to be good in, but i dont. I'm not borned with the brains and the good looks, I'm normal in that aspects. Hearing Vanessa Mae play the violin, Maxim on the piano, singers singing high notes, dancers dancing to the beat, actors acting a role, sports players earning titles, these people are so talented. And whoever is reading this blog, I know you must have a talent in something, maybe in terms of computer, drawing, composing? But yeah, what am i good in?

I suddenly feel like just giving up.. Giving up in my piano, I've lost all the inspiration to play, lost all my confidence and motivation, making myself feel like a weakling. I try to watch Mulan again, as she is my motivated disney character, an idol I would say. But this time, it didnt work, only her song reflection made me feel 'yes, i understand'. The song "I'll make a man out of you" used to make me feel I could do it as long as I'm determined and strong, but now, everything is lost. I wished I could go back to Mt Killimanjaro, that was the time when I had the greatest determination, my goal: to reach the peak and I did. Where has all that determination gone to? Can I be someone talented? Do I actually have any natural skills in me?

I wish I do.. I want to be good in something, but currently I dont have anything.. Nothing at all..

. I'm sorry for treating you that way, I know how you feel, but when you said that last sentence, it really broke me, It made me feel so alone. I know I got friends to talk to, but still, I prefer not to.. This loneliness is eating me alive, and I let it.. Just let it be.. It may be temporary or permanent I dont know. I dont care. Just let it be...

Sunday 15 March 2009

For thomas..

Hey all,

Alright, you must be thinking, what the hell is this picture? Well, I simply made some soya sauce marinade for my chicken drumstick and planned to just grill them. Didnt even thought about blogging it at all, but thomas, he wanted to see how a griller looks like, so ask me take pic..

Happy bro?? thats how a griller looks like.. And yes, my chicken looks burned but its actually not, because of the soya sauce, the chicken looks like those blackish colour, but the taste is still nice, so yeah, its my food for the night.

Cant wait to go home, then I can have home-cooked food to eat. I'm craving for lots of different kinds of food back home, and I miss ABC Cendol.. OMG~ My mouth is watering to think of those nice nice nice food.. Oh wells, 3 more months!! 3 more months!! And I'll be coming home.. YAY!! =D

K la, thats all im gonna blog about, I just spent my day cleaning up my room, and now it looks REALLY REALLY clean, played the piano and now going to study fortran, a very crazy program which I find myself too stupid to even understand. Oh wells..

Oh ya!! The sun was shining brightly today and it actually felt WARM!! SPRING IS HERE!! XD

-May out-

Thursday 12 March 2009

Basic cooking 1

Hey all!

Are you a new student who is going to live by yourself soon? Dont know how to cook yet? Need to be strict on your budget? Think you can cook for yourself under a fiver? Haha!! Thats how I was, and now, I think I can cook quite decent food, not the fantastic five-star kind, but good enough to survive university.

Food 1: Basic chicken curry

I was so proud that I manage to cook this curry without burning anything and it tasted quite good, although it involved cheating. Well, we are students so there's no time to mix in the coraider and cumin and other herbs to make your own sauce, so the trick is buy the sauce!! But remember we're under budget!!

1 potato (60p for 4 baking potatoes at Sainbury- current promotion)
1 carrot (49p for a bag of carrots in Lidl- current promotion cut)
2 piece of chicken thighs if you are a big eater, 1 if you dont eat a lot (1.50pounds- Sainsbury promo)
Patak's Original Hot& Spicy Tikka Masala Sauce (1.38pounds in Sainsbury)

Total: 3.97 pounds!

Haha, it is under a fiver! Well, for brunei, 3.97pounds would be B$7.94 but dont forget, UK stuff are a bit more expensive so Brunei should sell these things cheaper~ =P

Ok! Lets learn how to cook basic curry!

1) Boil potatoes and carrots until it is soft enough, around 5-8mins is enough, if you like it crunchy then dont boil for so long.
2) Chop and diced your carrots and potatoes into small pieces or whatever size you like.
3) Remember to cut your chicken before hand! You may keep the bones if you like, who knows you want to make soup? Anyways, you can use the chicken skin and put it in your wok for a while to get the oil from the chicken fat, then stir fry your chicken till its brown (this make take around 5mins or longer)
4)Put in your vegetables and stir fry along with your chicken, 2 minutes would be enough.
5) Pour in your curry sauce, and let it simmer, but remember to stir it occasionally or it will be stuck to your wok!
6) Simmer your curry for about 15 minutes and you are done!!

Simple or what? Hahaha.. Imagine, its less than 5pounds, and you can use the sauce for another 2 times? You only use 1 carrot and 1 potato, so the other carrots in the bag and the remaining 3 potatoes can be used for other purposes.

As you can see, these items were under promotion. As students, it is our job to study hard and save your parents or scholarship money, or even your loan! So, these are the ways you can save on.

If you arent a student, but want to learn cooking? Here is the basic curry you can get in Asia, and mind you, its really nice! In terms of spices, it depends on your taste, if you really like spicy food, go for the Hot and spicy ones, if you're afraid of Spice, we can even get the mild ones now!

So thats all people, enjoy cooking! =D

-May out-

Saturday 7 March 2009

Waiting for an update?

Hey all,

I know i know, i havent been blogging for almost a month now i guess? But yeah, hehehe, its time for an update? Anyways, its been quite a hectic week last week, but now everything is fine.. Last week was a sort of a horrible week, especially thursday.. We found out our results came out on the wednesday, and I was sooo terrified tht i didnt even want to see it. On the thursday, jerom was asking me to go see my results but then I felt ill in the morning, like i was really really dizzy, sampai pengsan le! Hahahah!! A bit kua zhang but is really pening till like that la.. Anyways, i ended up not going to EBL where everyone was getting their results la..

I went to class in the afternoon still with the headache and no mood to see my results, I expected a fail in Transport Phenomena lo, coz it was really horrible that paper, the rest was just I dont know.. So depressing la that time, but jerom keep asking me to see.. So in the end, just went to the Mill and get my results with lilin there to catch me if i pengsan again lo. Haha, eventually my results were OK la, no 90s but then all 60 and above, and average ngam ngam 70 lo.. So just at the borderline of first-class marks.. I really thank god, coz I believe he got listen to my prayers and let me get these results which I dont think I really deserve but then I've to work hard now, so that i can maintain this standard.. Soo.. it was gd news, until i board on the bus, came down at my place and realise that I lost my unirider and my student id.. It was like the world coming to an end tht time, coz unirider is quite expensive and my student id, if want to replace need to pay 10pounds!! But i dont have a choice, end up I called stagecoach and the university for replacements.. I had to go report to police about these lost again le!!! Haiz, so mafan but what to do?

After that day, I was quite broke and transportless.. LOL, why i was broke is coz I only had 20pounds to use that week, since I had to change my mastercard to a visa, so I didnt have any debit card to use, and my credit card is still pending.. Anyways, No unirider, 20pounds to live with, eventually i really made it!! Hahaha.. Just kept walking instead of using the bus lo, and then try to save with 20pounds only.. Yesterday I finally got my replacement unirider and my debit card, so everything is fine now.. HAHAHAH!! I'm more aware of my spending ryte now, and so will only use money for needs and some wants. Student life is really quite hard la, without the taking care from our parents but its the chance to learn to grow up and how life is lo, I'm learning so much here, learning how to cope with life alone, learning how to cook, how to do banking, very independent stuff lo.. And im glad that god gave me the chance to do this, giving me the chance to be in the UK and to grow up into a more mature person in the future..

Last night, Lilin, Huey Ee and I went to the MSSM audition with the motive to kepo only one, eventually we had to do casting for the MSSM drama la, but I dont know how to act one le, we wanted dancing but Alex was soo scare we cant make it for the rehersal since we were all going to travel in easter break. Haha, so we did the drama casting lo.. Walao Huey Ee and lilin got each other, but i was in a group with anis and farhan, so cool la those 2, our scenario was in a hotel, so eventually we came up with the scene that I was the tourist from China, with Anis as the receptionist and Farhan as the security guard, omg, we were sooo LAME!! Anis and Farhan were quite good in acting, but as usual, I was the spoiler, but everyone said our acting was funny, so it was a gd thing i guess? Until charles kept calling me "CHINA GIRL", Im from Brunei yo!! I got proof!! Hahahah.. Anyways, we just ciao la after that and Lilin came to my place to make sushi, jerom came an hour later then we train him to become sushi maker.. HAHAH!! U should thank us rom~~ hehehe.. it was not bad our sushi and we ended up soooo full, so worth it, onli 3.10pounds each and we eat sooo full, that time we went to Yo! Sushi pun ate till almost 13pounds le.. hahaha.. we know how to save money already now! hehehe =D

Well, thats all for now.. Lazy to blog again since today is such a boring day. Oh yeah! Spring is coming sooo soon, the temperature is getting warmer, yesterday when i was walking to Ardwick, I felt like I was walking around KB to Suri Seri Begawan hospital, since I had to walk pass the NHS hospital, but yeah, it was a nice feeling, to be walking under the nice sun and cool breeze, the only problem is that the wind can be very chilly. Oh wells, but the flowers are coming out and they are really nice.. Might go out to take some photography shots some day.. Thats all for now then!

-May out-