Thursday 28 May 2009

MaY likes to be VaiN


Hahahaha.. This is the weirdest post everrr.. I feel soooo vain todayy.. kekekeke.. Well, its my blog so i can post whatever i wan ryte? hahaha.. Anyways, had my Engineering Design paper today which was a pain in the arsss!! 40marks hilang just like tht, i was like "WTH?" Question 1 was a bitch whereas the other 2 questions, hopefully can get full marks.. like tht 60marks will be secure..

CRE and TP were "OK" only.. Hopefully will be lucky enough to get 60++ lo.. Next week gonna be thermo exam and then will end with Maths!! Cant wait for Maths day coz tht will be the end of exams, and then after that, me and Della are gonna go MAKEOVER!! hahaha.. Its free by body shop, omg.. i always wanted to makeover and photoshoot la.. but this one jz makeover la, me not pro enough to become model.. hahaha!! Cant wait to go home.. After exams, Im gonna hang around in Belgium first, then play a bit more in the UK baru balik brunei.. so Brunei.. WAIT FOR ME!! I'll be back SOON! XD...

My dear Jodyyy, i tell a lot of people when i coming back liaw la.. even pey know i think? coz i told her i will miss her by few days... Haiz, nvm, gives me a more reasonable reason to go S'pore to visit her kan? hehehe..

Today I so terrible la, after exams, and screwing that paper, instead of feeling upset and those kind of feelings, I went shopping you know! Got myself a new perfume.. LOL!! well, to all the guys and girls out there, SHOPPING- RETAIL THERAPY HELPS!! Especially when you feel stress or pizz.. GO SHOP!! It realli works.. LOL.. hehehe.. Uh oh.. Im sensing Im gonna spend my june allowance SHOPPING!! hahahaha.. Anyways, its time for my vain session.. lol =P

MaY <3>
Alexandra MaY taken from Bath

MaY with Bubble BeaR

Kara MaY taken from YorK
MaY taken with stonehenge

MaY flower restaurant taken at Straford

MaY posing at New Forest, SouthamptoN
MaYfair from LondoN
Hehehe.. So vain~ Terrible me.. OH WELLS~
-May out-

Wednesday 20 May 2009

Almost time...

Its almost time to go home.. Soon, I'll be stepping onto the Brunei airport, and then carrying my carpisa luggage, walked out to the arrival hall and see my parents.. Thats the vision I have in my mind.. I've even decided what clothes I'm gonna wear when i go bak! hehehe..

Actually, Im writing this post, coz all the sudden, i felt like frenz and family.. are so precious and important in my life.. In another one more day, the battle officially begins.. I start the battle with CRE.. This time, i dont know why, i dun feel like studying.. somehow i'm so relax, as in i feel its not exam yet.. I feel its still the normal schooling days.. How comE? Why am i feeling such emotions? I should be working hard now, instead of blogging, doing as much past yr pprs as i can.. But i dun know. I cant feel it..

I feel like I've let my parents down.. Although I barely made it to a first class, but this time, can i still maintain that first? With such "effort", i dont think i can make it.. Hopefully i can make it to 2:1, even better if a first came out.. Daddy says "May.. I kno you're a 2:1 student, from your A levels grades, I know thts your potential and standard".. U all may think "wahh, where got father say such thing de o?" Well, I feel that he's right.. Dad has been right for a lot of things, just that i was sooo stubborn to even listen..

I think i myself know my own potential, just that I set a high standard for myself, the problem is, i dont work hard to get that high standard i put on myself.. I think all the while, I was just lucky.. To be able to make it through all these academic challenges, from PCE to PMB to O levels and then A levels.. I thank god as well, as i believe he listens to my prayers and guides me through these times as well..

Right now, I just wanna get through this, if only the scholarship criteria isnt there to make me frustrated.. I need at least a 2:1 to maintain my scholarship, somehow i feel its a 50:50 chance for me to get it.. I think I can get a 2:2 easily but a 2:1, its still a obstacle for me to go through. But why? Why do i not feel the stress and panic which would make me drive to study... Why do i not feel the motivation to achieve these excellence?

Is it coz its almost time to go home? Is it coz I dont care abt this course anymore? Why..?? I myself dont know and dont understand.. Suddenly I feel i've let them down, the 2 people who I'm suppose to make them proud, make them feel i'm someone worth looking after...

I dont know.. I feel lost.. What is this feeling? What is this emotion?

-Lost in life-