Monday 6 July 2009

6th July

hey all..

Finally, boredom strikes since I got back to Brunei about 2 weeks ago.. Haha.. When I arrived on the June 25th, it felt like a short drive from Bandar back to KB, maybe its cause I've taken more than 3 hours journeys before in the UK.. Oh wells, luckily I came back early, H1N1 cases in Brunei is rising and there's currently 1 death.

May that 12 year old girl rest in peace and be in the hands of god... amen... <3
It is sad to see that so many people have suffered from this pandemic.. Scary as well, to see the world becoming this stage.. UK has gone up to almost 8000 cases, which is very worrying. Hopefully this will come to an end soon, its just like repeating SARS and Bird flu all over again.. There's the time when it gets worse and slowly these diseases will come to an end... I've read an article that a swine flu vaccine has been created but can only be release in august, and there's still an arguement going about whether to make this vaccine into a large scale, because they need to continue the production of the winter flu vaccine.. Hopefully a solution will be there and hope everyone will be safe from this "possible deadly" disease..
May god take care of all of us living in this world, and let us all battle this H1N1 disease, we've survived SARS and Bird flu and so we can go through this pandemic again...