Wednesday 4 February 2009

May is annoyed and pizz

Thought today would be a good day, end up im being annoyed. I spent the afternoon watching Mary Poppins and the night watching the International Society Concert and was really happy until I went back to the kitchen...

Im so annoyed and pizzed with my flatmates, dont know which one is the one who cause all these annoyance but then she is soooo NOT considerate, so shit la.. Its like my knives all kena use and NOT being wash at all.. Its like the knives still got those yucky food on them, and then I sabar, I wait for them to wash it up, but one week already!! I cant tahan so end up i wash them up myself, and then my chopping board, SO GALI MAN!! Its like u kno when you use chopping board, it will have those scratch marks which u cant remove, those marks yeah became orange colour, donno wat the hell my flatmate use to cut, but please la, ITS SOOO DISGUISTING!!! End up I had to wash my chopping board myself again and its sooo annoying la!! Like what the hell!! GET YOUR OWN!!! And then ahhh, my bowl, shit man!! I like tht bowl a lot coz its useful wa, tht day i saw my bowl was filled with some soup so i was hoping whichever flatmate used it will wash it up and then put it back la, SEKALI AH!! ITS GONE~~ Im like WTF!!! My bowl first dirty and din wash for few days and now its missing.. WTH!! I really cant tahan all these man, and today what really made me more mad is my spoons all gone also!!! So pizz la, I baru use them like 2 hours ago before i went to the concert, i wash them up and then put by the side of the sink then left.. And when i came back, they all gone missing already.. HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO EAT WITHOUT SPOON!!! Use hand? WTH!! Im really sooo damn mad.. If my spoons dont show up tomorrow, Im gonna BAN them all from using my stuff.. I dont want to be a bitch but HOW CAN I CONTINUE TO STAND THIS??!!

Stupid people, better yet, i use their stuff and leave it aside la, let them wash and then maybe take some of their spoons away and hide it, see they suang or not.. So pizz off man.. How to live in harmony if wan to play police and robber? Stupid people.. BODOHH!!!!


Anonymous said...

The best thing to do is just ban it lo. So that you won't be piss and annoyed again. It doesn't only happen to u la. It happen to everyone. LOL. haiz.. bodoh people XD

Unknown said...

haha yea lo, its like what anon has juz said~~~~ You are not bitch la, its juz appropriate. Patience has its speak your mind and SCREWWW them if you see none or little is fixed in 3 more days!! =)

Anonymous said...

Hack, I thought u were facing the same problem wif ur house mate? LOL. Enough is enough!!! BAN THEM!!! btw, what bowl is so special oh??? share liao!!!

Unknown said...

I think i know who you are...but just dont post as anon...its not like u r hiding from other ppl....

ç£@Réñ©€ said...

Oh boy.. That's really one heck of a disgusting day! Really sorry to hear about those housemates. I and Hackster have experience something similar, and it definitely wasn't good.. :(

And yes, I agree that you should show those housemates what they've done wrong and reason with them. If they still don't, then I believe you have every reason to let your higher ups now about your well-being.

I guess that's as much as I can let you know.. Chill.. and take care yea.

Anonymous said...

u think u noe who am i? =P or u dun? lol. i like hiding bah. cannot kan??? hehehehe

as long as u noe who am i and i know who u r, can liao lor. xD

Unknown said...

I thought anon is clarence.... >___<

Anonymous said...

Finally, for once, Hack is wrong. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Aiya, at least u noe who i am now. LOL

U think of clarence becoz I say the house mate incidnet issit? LOL -_-"