Sunday 8 February 2009

New semester, new things...

Hey all!!!

Its been quite some time since I've blogged about what I have been doing in my life.. Haha its the starting of the new semester and on that first day of the sem, we were greeted by snow! It was awesome, thick snow everywhere.. Hahaha.. And we all had lots of fun, throwing snowballs and making snowgirls, well, jerom and I were playing snowballs whereas vanessa did most of the snowgirl making.. heehhe, but it was fun anyways!!

Snowgirl - Flower

May and Jerom with Flower

May and Vanessa
It was said that there hasnt been any heavy snow since 1998 until now, dont know how true that was but yeahhh, even my flatmates say so.. Do u see the snow falling on our hair?? hehehe.. Anyways, i know you all are wondering where is the snow on the ground where flower is standing.. its all gone to flower, hahaha.. we kumpul all the snow and eventually made it into flower, and so the snow in that area was gone, eventually, after taking pictures, vanessa took the honour of kicking flower.. HAHAHAH!! Good one van~

Well, after the snow, on wednesday, we went to watch Mary Poppins.. OMG!! tht musical was sooo nicee.. It was practically perfect!! hahaha.. We got one of the best seats for student price(which is half of the original price)... And the actors and actresses were wonderful, it was like sooo perfect.. Hahaha.. Wonder how long did they practice ah, but then ah, when we went, there was sooo many org tua, we pressume they must have wanted to see their childhood show again, haha..

Jerom, Lilin, Chang, Wai xin, Vanessa, May

Hahaha.. This is a highly recommended musical and it is just fantastic! hehehe.. Anyways, thats all Im gonna blog for now.. xoxo!!
-May out-


Unknown said...

I have never get in touch with snow before, let alone making a snowman/woman. But after seeing oyur snowman, i got a feeling i'm gonna get disappointed at how bad my snowman is gonna look like... T____T

ç£@Réñ©€ said...

Sounds fun! :D Nice snowgirl! ^^

And Hack, how would you know that if you haven't made one yourself? =P

Unknown said...

My ideal snowman: A huge giant white buddy fatter than me that consists mainly of two lumps of spherical snow, with two black dots as eyes, which i dont know what it is made of, and a carrot-like (both interm of shape and colour) nose pointed outwards. Apprarently two branches would grow sideway out of him at this point, acting as his arm. At blue times, I could juz hug him however i want, slept on it even, and it would meant no harm on him, not even budge a bit. It would always be happy, although it doesnt show on its face, probably because it doesnt have a mouth or it hides it. When winter is gone, it would juz disappear without a single cue, bringing with him the scarf and hat you have lend him during the cold winter night...and you know you can never get it back.

Now everyone knows i am going to be disappointed >.<"