Sunday 22 March 2009

For you...

When i see you, i didnt know what to do and what to say. All i could do was just help you in any ways I can.. I hope you were happy when we came to see you, hopefully that made you smile inside your heart..

God taken something of yours but that never stopped you.. Seeing you going up that hill, showed me your determination and it inspired me.. You were always a genius in my eyes, right now you still are but you became something more than a genius, you are a strong person... Dont give up, because we know you can do it.. Dont let this get to you, at times you may feel upset and lonely, but then you should know we all love you, and will always be there to support you spiritually and physically..

You're a natural loner, you dont like people to see you and stuff, but still, you should know deep down, we are there and you're never alone.. As I saw you cry, I didnt know what to say, but when she hugged you and talked to you, we could see that you knew what you want, your future life goals..

You can do it, we all know you can... Always and forever, we will all support you.. Forever, you'll be a great inspiration and genius in my eyes..

- We all love and support you, my dear ______...-


ç£@Réñ©€ said...

Wow.. That's pretty nice :) But where did you get this from? And was this meant to be given to someone in particular?

If it's obvious, then I apologize for not being able to see the obvious.. =S

How you doing so far?

Anonymous said...

What you think it is, will be what it is =)

I'm ok.. easter break is soo soon.. gonna start travelling again nxt wk.. haha..

ç£@Réñ©€ said...

Hahaha okay. Have fun then, yah :) I just got my exam timetable.. Ugh.. Feeling the tension =S