Friday 2 December 2011

Naruto.... The anime/manga that actually saved me from depression...

Hi all,

So as written from my title, I did suffered depression a long time ago... I guess I was still young and there was so much going through my life that I got so depressed and so sad with life... Yeah, I was deeply heartbroken and I felt like it was the end of the world...

Thank god, I was introduced to Naruto and since it was the beginning of the anime, I decided to go on and watch it. Best decision I've ever made and till now, I still follow it... Naruto inspires me and he made me realised that I have so much blessings in my life. He made me realise that loneliness was the most painful thing in life, yes, I do feel lonely at times but I do have friends and families who love me and care for me. Naruto had no one, his parents sacrifice themselves in order to save the village, and all his friends initially hated him because he has the Kyuubi until he met Iruka-sensei... That's when the story kick off... Highly recommended and I'm sure you won't be disappointed...

Anyways, I just finish watching Naruto's latest episode, it was obviously a filler, but the ending, just made me think and really made me wish that Naruto would end with a happy ending just exactly like in the picture...

Thank you Masashi Kishimoto for creating naruto because Naruto has made me who I am today, to be strong and I lived my 'ninja' way... He was my motivation and my saviour in life... 

So my dear friends, if you ever do feel sad and depressed in life, remember, it is not the end of the world, life is filled with beautiful colours, sometimes we'll just forget that... Maybe you could even try start watching Naruto, you'll understand what I mean :)

That's all from me!

Annie May

Saturday 26 November 2011

Feeling Alone?

Hey guys,

Wow! Double posts in one day... Haha, so I was talking to my sister just now and we were just talking about how we feel so alone and an outcast at times. Have you ever felt that? That feeling when you feel that your friends don't really want you to be with them or when you feel you have no-one in the world to talk to.

I do feel those feelings at times but I'm grateful that I have my sister and some of my best friends to talk to when-ever I go down that sudden depression road. But sometimes, we just have to set some positive energy to ourselves. We have to let ourself know that we're not perfect and we're not alone in life. We're just only human.

Friends come and go, but when you do meet that special friend in your life, you'll know that even if you guys don't talk for quite some time, you both can easily meet and can talk for hours and hours, even days without realising it! That special friend knows who you are, what's crazy about you and sure there'll be some bad traits there, but that special friend will accept and love you for who you are.

I found my special friends, and I know some people are still in the journey in finding that special someone. I believe God has created a destiny for us and wants us to do some trial and errors in our life, before showing us the true blessings he had prepared for us. However, even if you haven't found that special friend yet, whenever you feel sad or when life feels unfair, think about the blessings you already have. Your family, the shelter and food you can afford, the education you have a chance to have, to be able to live... There are people out there, who are less fortunate but still holds a smile in their face, who still live life like there's no tomorrow. They can be happy, why can't you?

My thoughts from this post is that Life is beautiful, we just have to open our eyes and our hearts to realise it. We are never alone, we always have someone who will love and care about us, be it family or friends, and even God. So, if you ever feel alone and sad, be strong and think about the happy things that have occurred in  your life.

I'm not saying I'm right but those are my thoughts... Feel free to share your thoughts... :)

That's all for today!

Annie May

Tiramisu Recipe

Hey guys!

Yayyy to being Tiramisu lovers! I started to love baking at the start of this year, baking really does relieve my stress and makes me happy and this was the first dessert I made (which does not require any baking at all!). 

It's simple, easy and yummy! The first comment I got from this Tiramisu was "OMG! It tastes like heaven!", you just have to love that comment. Now, the recipe is not my own. I got it from my aunt who is an AWESOME cook, I swear her food is AMAZING but I think this recipe was obtained from another source? 

Anyways, I believe sharing is caring and so; Here is the recipe I used to make my tiramisu:


500g Mascarpone
125g Icing sugar
3 egg yolks, beaten
3 egg whites
125 ml strong black coffee and Tia Maria/ Baileys
2 plain sponge cakes (or you could use ladyfingers/ sponge fingers)
Cocoa powder

1) Combine the mascarpone and sugar; then stir in the egg yolks.
2) In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until a soft peak stage (WARNING: This is tiring if you are doing this step manually).
3) Fold in the mascarpone mixture into the egg white mixture.
4) Now, put one layer of the sponge cake into a glass bowl, and sprinkle the Tia maria and coffee over the sponge cake layer.
5) Then, spread the mascarpone mixture over the sponge layer.
6) Repeat Step (4) and (5) with the second sponge layer on top of the first one.
7) Refrigerate overnight.
8) You can sprinkle some cocoa powder over the top of your tiramisu to give it that extra pop!

This is my first time putting up a recipe online. So if you have any questions or you're not sure of any steps, do comment below and I'll get back to you soon!

That's all for now!

Annie May

Friday 25 November 2011

I'm Back... =)

Hi all!

I decided to come back to blogging and hopefully I'll be blogging more frequently than how I use to...

I want to take this opportunity to show you the food I cook, the photos I take and the adventures I go through with life. So I re-live this blog by creating a new look and HOPEFULLY I'll be more up-to-date than how I was before....

So that's all for now!

See you soon!

Annie May

Saturday 26 March 2011

Life... as it is....

Hello hello to whoever still reads this,

Hahaha, this blog is so boring coz i just dont update it! Well, i only write when i feel like it so yeah, whenever i write, it will be filled with emotions.... Today, I dont know what im feeling actually... Whether its tiredness, or just lazy, i dont know either...

Recently, i've been so busy doing my project that i feel life just flies like that, I havent enjoyed myself as how I used to before... I guess thats how projects and the working life is suppose to be... I feel like I just wanna hurry up with this studies and go back home to work... Ask mom and dad to retire whereas I bring the rice back home... I have high ambitions as before, but engineering is getting so boring to me... I guess it isnt what i really wanted to do? All my friends tell me 'WHY?' because they all say i have the brains and knowledge and understanding to do engineering. but all the while, ive always have the passion to do something that involves meeting different cultures, flying to different countries for work instead... I really like the thought of being a diplomat, but that wouldnt be the case when i get married and have kids right?

Hahaha... I feel like that working life is so near that i dont know what to do man... Its awesome but at the same time, scary.... Anyways, right now, Im in Part 3 of my design project and ive being lazing around! I know in the next week, i'll be stressed out as how i usually am and go like 'OMG!!!!', then stay up over the night trying to finish stuff before the dateline... I guess, thats how i m and i can never change eventho i tell myself 1000000000x! OH WELLS!!!

Back to blurting my life out into this blog, im thinking of creating a blog that involves cooking and photography and travelling... Those are the passions in my life, if only i have the time and money to do those... Ohhh, life would be awesome... Cooking for the person i love, creating new recipes, eating good foood..... Photography, creating beautiful memories, My friend once told me i have the eye but unfortunately i dont know how to edit pictures, ive been wanting to learn but where is the time?! I love pictures and i love looking at shots my friends have done... Travelling, words cannot describe my LOVE to travel, to be able to see the world, understand their culture, i have friends who just travel like that, wonder where they get the money from! I would love it if i could just fly off to any countries and try EVERYTHING of that culture... love it! Im so blessed that i get to come to the UK to study, and explore the beauty of Europe... My goal for now, to travel around the whole world by 2030.... :) I want to go to at least ONE country from each continent: Ive done Asia (obviously thts where i live), Europe, Africa, Australia.... Ohhh, how i wish i could do America, head over to Canada, and then the USA and then Mexico and different parts of South America (Brazil, Argentina, Costa Rica).... I love how those guides shows u around in TV, and i wish to be one... but can a bruneian really become one? I dont know as well... hahahaa...

Anyways, today's post doesnt have any particular meaning to anything... its just me expressing what i feel right now... Thats it from me...

Annie May xxx