Sunday 5 April 2009

Paris- Day 1

Hey all,

Its time to blog about Paris! It was 3am when we got up to get ready for our coach to Liverpool where our flight to paris is.. So crazy of me lo.. Coz I went to London from 28th March with Ying till 30th March which i came back alone in a 6 hour bus ride, which was quite torturing due to the boredom.. Reached back Manchester at around 630pm, met Soulmate Li-Lin for dinner then went to Dalton Allis to stay overnight at Sinyuen's place..

Well, at 3am, the alarm rang and we got ready for our trip!! OMG!! It was sooo close to "Paris time".. hehehe.. Waited at the wrong carpark for the others, soooo lame.. Coincidently, met teng and bryan at tht carpark, bryan sooo cute la, when i told him we were gonna walk to liverpool.. LOL.. tht was kinda lame of me too.. OH WELLS!! Got into the coach then Liverpool!! *skip till reach Liverpool Airport*

The wait is enough lian hing, now i will tell you what happened in the airport, you know when the attendants need to check your boarding pass and passport? I almost couldnt get through, coz i was holding a Brunei Passport, they thought i needed a visa.. But dont need one lo, coz Brunei is commonwealth member, and so i was retain for a while, the attendant called "someone" to ask whether we Brunei passport can go or not, I was sooo scare, all my friends (Malaysians and British citizens) were at the side waiting for me.. WILL CRY MAN IF CANT GO PARIS!!! THANK GOD, they let me through man... I WAS LIKE "PHEWWWW!!!"

Then, 1-2 hrs flight to Paris and then the same thing happened at the Paris airport, they didnt let me through. The scene was:

Officer: "Are you muslim?"
May:"No, im not.. Im chinese"
Officer:"But you from this Brunei?"
May: "Yeah, Im chinese Bruneian.."
Officer:" Show me your visa. Where is it?"

May turning her passport to the UK visa.

Officer:" Where are you going?"
May:" Paris"
Officer:" Where is the france visa? I want to see it"
May: " Huh?? I dont need.. I asked before, the immigration people said Im ok"
Officer frustrated:" Wait here"

Officer went to other people to ask whether Brunei passport can let through..

Officer:" You sure you not muslim?"
May: "No.. Im chinese bruneian"
Officer even more frustrated, stamped my passport and let me through, FINALLY..

And then, it was "BONJOUR PARIS!"

Got our train pass and Museum pass, hop onto the train to Val' d Europe where our apartment was located, Jennifer and Jia yi were sooo pro in getting tht apartment la, and thanks to wai lum for paying for it first.. HAHAHA.. So nice tht area, so spent a bit of time there to eat and looked around then head over to the city.. Where we saw....

At the top of Arc de triumph

Eiffel tower from arc de triumph view

Spiral staircase as we WALKED all the way up of Arc de triumph

Arc de triumph

After spending time admiring the wonderful view, by the way, around the Arc de Triumph, there are 14 roads, YES! I did count.. Hahaha. but cant get a picture of it.. OH WELLS~ Sorry people..
ANYWAYS, after that we went to the city and walked along the Champs-Élysées and saw loads of branded brands, took some pics, but unfortunately, pics are with other friends.. Hehehe.. We saw a bit of the Grand Palace and that was most of day 1.. We went to this little french restaurant and for 15.50euros, ate a set meal, which was quite good, we ate escargots (snails) and it was really good.. Hahaha..
Ended the day with that meal, walked around Paris city again and then headed back.. Be sure to wait for Day 2-4 of Paris trip.. hehehe.. Will blog about it soon again..
-May out-

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