Saturday 24 October 2009

Familyyy... and Friendsss =)

The greatest brothers and sisters in the Brunei group =) I miss u all like crazyyy... Thomas, I know you not in this picture but I miss u too =(... Kangfah my best buddy of all times =) Raymond, Cacing, Han, Oi Kheng, Akmal and kawan kawan lain, I miss u all, if u think its u, then yes its u =D

- I miss my Brunei friends like crazy right now, bonds that will forever last <3-


waneey donnermeatandchips =) said...

huhu..made me sad...=)hehe..
neway i just wish u-may u have the happiness here as well..=)hehe
luv u may..
see ya tomorrow..=)
take care sayang...=)

ç£@Réñ©€ said...

Ah.. This pic.. It was great then ^^

We miss you too May =)

Annie257 said...

Heyy syg, Awww, I love you too =) Thanks waneey, u're one of the best friends i have in the uk <3

Thomas said...

hey!!! awww~~~ so sweet of u :) miss you too!!! hehe... been busy with assignment and soon revision la :) will chat with you soon! Take care!

PS: did u realise something?