Friday 19 February 2010

Happy Chinese New Year!! Gong Xi Fatt Chai!!

RAWRRR!!! Its the Year of the Tiger!!! =D

Wishing everyone a Happy Chinese New Year and Gong xi Fatt chai! Hope you all will always fa fa chai xD hehehe...

On CNY that day (14/2/2010), it was the same day as valentines day but apparently, none of us have a couple except for WaiLum and Eelin, we basically focus on the greatest day of the year, CNY!! hehhee... Long story short, we had a "fun" evening especially with the funniest yet scariest scenes by Hanley and Hong Men and yes Hong Men "WO JUI SHI ANNIE MAY!!" hoho! xD The nxt day, we went to see fireworks in Chinatown and man was it good, for Manchester, it is quite good... And then ah, in the streets, there's more angmo than chinese, shi bai alr la us~ HAHAHA But its alright, the atmosphere was nice and we get to see Lion dance, It was alright, not too bad but I've already missed Ivan's performance for 4 years already... By the time i go back, im sure he has retired and decided to stop playing... Haha...

Me and a part of the group during CNY... We split into 2 tables so this is the pic taken with the people in my table where we yam sie i think abt 3-4 times and got scolded by the restaurant people. OPPS! haha... And we OWN the whole STREET!! WooHoo!!

BruManch Talentime Trailer is finally out, well out few days ago already la, and if you've never seen me emo, i think i look quite emo here.. Haha.. AWESOME xD!/video/video.php?v=318061057732&subj=815915532&oid=200968439826
Anyways, its time for me to talk what I've been thinking today... Its the new year and I want to change myself as in dunt say say only but really do do... Today, i went for piano class and I really felt If only I've met this teacher last year instead of the previous one, I think the previous one was just focusing on getting money and not helping me properly, this one taught me techniques to improve myself and actually make me feel there might be hope for me... Time is ticking really fast before the exam comes in September and hopefully I'll be prepared and is able to get through the final stage, Grade 8. Ive been working on this for 1 yr++ now, and i hope It will run smoothly as time pass by.
My goals for this new year 2010:
1) To get a 1st/ 2:1 for 2nd Yr chemical Engineering
2) To be able to pass my piano grade 8 exam and officially finish the piano grades
3) Lose 8kg to go back to my original weight (before I came to the UK for the 1st time)
4) To understand the meaning of life and to live life with no regrets
Hahaha~ Easy goals eh? NOT! I'll work hard for those, I'm a living proof that dreams and miracles can come true, and I'll make this happen again... With hard work, determination and great motivation, I'm sure I can encounter whatever obstacles thats blocking my way, push them aside and achieve the goals i desired. I'm here for a reason, and to make my parents proud, I'll do my best...
My purpose in UK is to study and also to have a different life experience.. yes, Im having a different life experience right now, but if i were to give advise to people, if you're thinking of going to either Aus or UK, I would suggest Aus if you want to enjoy a better life, just because of the UK weather, due to global "COOLING", the weather has been really messed up, the sun could be shining brightly but the air is DAMN COLD, and u'll hate walking around outside, IMAGINE WINTER! And Snow, people, Snow in TV where people seem to enjoy it and playing happily outside, its all A LIE! Yes, you'll feel excited for the 1st time and after tht experience, you'll HATE IT! I swear people did die from the snow, im serious!!! Its because its so slippery, you'll fall and it so hard to walk around, it cause disruptions to your daily life, well, in UK it does whereas in Canada, it snows all the time there, and so they know what to do... Australia is a better weather for us Asians, its easier to adapt there and the holidays in Australia is better, you get to go home for Christmas and New year and CNY!! Whereas us in the UK, yeah, we go back from June- September, but whats there to celebrate? Well, yeah, if you go back to the UK late, we can celebrate Hari Raya but thats not the point.. HAHA!
I can say at times I do regret coming to the UK, but this is what I wanted initially, I worked hard for it and went through sufferings for it, I've made it here and so I should not regret but work harder and achieve my true goal, a M.Eng Honours Degree in Chemical Engineering and Aim for a good position in one of the ministries of Brunei... I know this might never happen, but i dream to become one of a minister in Brunei, the first Female, Chinese Minister of Brunei... Such ambition.. Hahaha..
A dream is a dream, and it is the starting point of a goal... My blog is not dead now since I've blogged and so thats all folks! Have a good new year and wishing everyone good health and wealth!
Xin Nian Kuai Le!
-Annie May-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

0_o never know u have such ambition. All the best :)