Monday 15 December 2008

Happy Birthday MOM... <3

Hey all,

Today is my mom's birthday! hahaha.. Happy birthday mommy~~ U know we love you.. xoxo

Anyways, today my day started out quite awful.. So annoying la, I actually went to the bus stop earlier than my usual get out time and you know what? I missed the bus!! By 2 seconds!!! I was almost at the door, then the bus close and go away le! DAMN MAN!! 2 seconds.. HAIZ.. so I malas wait for 147 again then just board the 142 to class, and was actually there earlier than my usual time.. Hahaha.. But still, i felt a bit beh song already coz of the stupid bus..

Then we have Engineering Design la, well, Dr roberts was talking about question 11.6, lucky la, coz i didnt understand tht question at all, but in the end, i still blur blur about the recycle stream parts, im still trying to understand it, i sort of get it but my brain dont want to accept it yet. Stupid brain.. Hahaha.. Too complex already my thinking, so had to get explaination from Dr Roberts, but still as usual, my mind too complex that im still kinda blur.. Finish Engineering Design then decided to finish off the IT coursework.

Yesterday, wani and I TRIED to do it, but unfortunately, we just couldnt! But thanks to flora, manage to start off with it and then chang helped us towards the end, finally, my IT coursework finish already! YAY! 2 courseworks done, 1 more to go, but still left little bit la my TP coursework.. Finish liaw IT coursework then have to go for labs lo..

Huhu~ My lab report surprisingly get 5/10 le! thts like the WORST mark i ever gotten for my labs, i normally like labs coz I like doing the write up, no idea why but yeah, a lot of people dont like it coz its boring but i actually find it quite amusing.. oh wells? But yeah, tht mark totally crushed my inspiration la.. Lucky the demonstrator i had today save my inspiration, he was sooo good man, in explaining and everything and I actually understand the whole experiment! hehehe.. Me and Ro manage to finish off the write up before the time limit and we ended up just talking to him about the course.. Haiz, how ah.. I scare jan exams man, I already dumb towards the modules, sure in exam time, I'll be more dumb and worst thing is, no dicussion!! Hopefully Lord is by my side and guide me... Hope can get 1st class honours.. Like tht can make my country and family proud of me..

So thts basically a day for me lo, started the day being annoyed and frus and all "cured" by the demonstrator.. cooL le~ hahaha.. lucky me~ LOL! I have to go to studying soon coz we're gonna have an engineering design coursework tomorrow with 1 hr dicussion only!!

Anyhow, PMB and PSR results out already and my siblings did great in their exams so congrats Ling for beating me in PMB and congrats boy for gettin 3As for PSR! Love you two, and aim high to beat your eldest sister.. You all have a goal to aim now =D

Happy birthday Mommy!! And congrats to Ling and Boy.. We're gonna have to make the Leong/Chong family proud!! WE HAVE TO!! HAHAAHAH!!

-May out-

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