Tuesday 2 December 2008

Let it snow.. Let it snow.. winter wonderland

Hi guys,

I finally managed to see snow! After missing it for 2 times! hahaha.. Snow(my flatmate) came and knocked my door at 3am to tell me it was snowing! I was sleeping and sooo blur like thinking who would knock on my door at this time.. Then snow told me its snowing outside, she knew i wanted to see snow BADLY! Hahhaa.. So i quickly open my curtains, it was dark and i was blur so not tht clear la.. But slowly the vision got to me, and i saw it!! Slight snow and the road was white.. YAY!! SNOW!! hehehe

Another sighting was when we were in EBL sessions, all the sudden, someone just shouted "Its snowing!" and we open the curtains, and it REALLY WAS SNOWING!! So nice la.. This time it wasnt tht slight but too bad we couldnt go out and play, just coz we were havin classes.. Oh wells, weather forecast says its gonna be heavy snow tomorrow so Im crossing my fingers.. I wanna see snow again!! hehehe =D

Pictures are snow at 845am kinda melting away in whitworth Park when I was about to go for class.. hehehe...
Let it snow.. Let it snow.. Let it snow~~~
-May out-
*Christmas is coming SOON!!!*


bels said...

oh ure using blogger template kan?

just paste the codes under html

it's on under add gadgets :)

ç£@Réñ©€ said...

Oh my god!! The snow looks great!! =D You must be enjoying it, eh? ^^

Anonymous said...

You can have the snow here if you want may ha ha.