Sunday 30 November 2008

Twilight obsession~

And so the lion fell in love with the lamb…

Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.274

What a stupid lamb.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.274

What a sick, masochistic lion.

Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.274

You are my life now.

Edward Cullen, Twilight

About three things I was absolutely positive.

First, Edward was a vampire.

Second, there was a part of him- and I didnt know how dominant that part might be- that thirsted for my blood

Third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him

YAY!! I finally watched the movie!! hahaha.. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH BRO!! U kno how much my love for you have increase la... Obsession is sooo scary man, I watched it twice.. the romance was sooo addictive.. The book was much better definately because of the tension and details but the movie was great!! I never realised how HOT Robert Pattinson is~ hahaha.. London ah London, why you soo big?? Please, let me see Rob when i go london nxt yr~

Im in love with vampires now, and it would be sooo cooL if vampires really do exist, haha.. Last time you would think vampire is soo freaky and scary, thanks to twilight, every girl would wish their boyfriends would be a vampire, who would love them so much and play the piano for them. Thats my dream too girls! But we can fantasize~ cant we? haha..

For those who havent read twilight, read it!! Its an awesome book, and the romance is amazing.. It drags you into the book, initially my imaginations werent like the movie, I imagined the Cullens and Bella's house to be different, the romance and the tension to be a little bit different but nah~ Im not the director.. Haha.. Lets all support twilight saga and hope Stephenie completes Midnight sun for us..

Stephenie Meyer! No matter what you write for Midnight Sun, I'm sure it will be awesome and we'll all support you! Gambatte! Jia you and gd lucks! =D

-May out-

Friday 28 November 2008

Thanks guys...

Hey people,

Thanks guys for being there to support me =) Im doing alright la, just having a rocky time with relationship, i kno it will get better.. Its an LDR thing, so hopefully will pass through soon lo.. So thanks sooo much!! Makes me feel better that I know I have friends who are there to support me~~ Love you all, bros, sis, laopo and frenzz!! =D

Anyhow, back to blogging.. Haha, since i was sooo down this few days, i decided to go on a retreat journey with my aunt to york.. She came down to manchester yesterday and i brought her to Manchester christmas market.. We had german, spain, austria and dutch food!! hahaha!! Nyaman man~~ Din have to go to the countries to try food liaw.. Pictures will be posted when i get them and the xmas market is really nice, like the lights and everything, too bad it closes at like 6pm but then by 4pm, Manchester will be like really dark and looks like 9pm brunei time.. haha.. So I went to york the next day.. which I will story next time.. Hahaha.. Im back to travelling yo~ Gone to york, coming soon --> Straford upon Avon, shakespear's birthplace, Here i come!! hehehe..

-May out-

Wednesday 26 November 2008


Hey all,

I'm starting to feel myself as a real stupid person.. Maybe what dad said was right, I'm so dumb.. I shouldnt have gotten into a relationship, I should listen to dad, study hard and get good grades for a better future.. Maybe if I was single during my Alevels, I could've achieve the 4 As I wanted. But that was a sacrafice i made, a stupid decision...

Maybe being single would be nice.. Maybe there would be lesser troubles in life, yes, I'll feel lonely but will the surroundings of friends and family balance that? Will I be more happier?? Is my love life in a mess right now?? I dont know.. I honestly dont..

Crying almost everyday recently, wasting precious tears and making myself feel tired, thats not happiness.. But yeah, I guess Im dumb and stupid.. I guess I should have listen 2 dad and wait for him 2 say " I told you so"...

Well, so much for my happy ending yea?

-May out-

I'm sensing history will happen again, it was never my fault but you took it as a joke and threw me aside when you didnt need me... I'm willing to die but I will not do it, i will not be stupid anymore.. I'll live my life like there's no tomorrow and die when god wants me to go to him..

P.S I love you...

Saturday 22 November 2008

Out 2 nights in a row..

Hey all,

November 21st, Friday

Wow, I've been out two nights in a row.. First time le~ hahaha!! Anyways, last night there was the combination of people society, korean society and japanese society event at Bar 38. Was actually thinking of just going to help out then go back, but eventually, I ended staying there till 1.30am... The drinks there are soooo expensive la!! Like the drink i had, doubles vodka +lemonade costed me like almost 5 pounds, which is CRAZZYYY!!! hahaha, so i ended up not drinking and went clubbin instead.. Hahaha..

Btw, do i look japanese?? Coz there was this bunch of guys who grab me, coz they wanna kno me sort of thing and they were like "Are you japanese?" and i was like "No!! Im chinese" hahaha.. SO LUI LA~~ hahaha.. It was a great night tho so KI YAN!! U DID A GOOD JOB GIRL! hehehe.. Ki yan was sooo worried coz she was afraid the venue was too small but i think the night went well excluding people getting drunk and almost involve in fights, but yea, thts manchester.. Me and Ki yan were lucky enough coz we were waiting for magic bus to come, but it took like FOREVER, so we decided to just hop on finglands.. All the sudden, when we just got into the bus, the place we were standing just now, there was a fight, sampai involve in the road man~ GILA!! Lucky we hop on the bus on the right time, or not I donno wats gonna happen.. hahah, eventually me and ki yan just had a nice chit chat then we went our separate ways, I went back home whereas she went off to meet her bf.. So nice laaaa~ I wish my boy is here, oh wells... He'll wait for me to come back home~~ hahaha

November 22nd, Saturday

Hahaha.. I finally finish one part of coursework!! Lucky got jerom teach me man~ Or not i dun think i'll know what i did wrong.. Hahaha!! Hopefully i did it correctly~ Gonna meet up with jerom, teng and chang tomorrow to finish off the coursework.. Anyhow, tonight i went out again to Tom's birthday~ Well, after i got home from doing work. Tom keep persuading me to go to his birthday, but i was afraid coz I dunno his frenz.. Lucky enough, Jee was going, so i decided to just go la.. Have a bit of fun ma ryte? Before going to the party, Me and waixin went to MSSM AGM 2008 coz vanessa texted wai xin to come and support her, so in the end we just went to give our full support. After the whole AGM, we went to eat in McD, since waixin had been cravin McD for quite some time, well they ate and i just drank my tiny sprite..

Not long, jee was ready and we went off to Tom's party.. That jee ah, suppose go with him together, then he put me aeroplane, ask me go myself first.. Lucky jade was there to accompany me, or not i scare i get lost in Chinatown la, I'm still not familiar with the place.. Come on la, Altho the part of manchester im stayin is not tht big, its bigger than KB. Hahaha!! So getting lost is quite common to me? hahaha.. Well, we had a nice night and I've met some new frenz!! I even learn how 2 play the drinking game!! YAY!! *Thanks John!!* haha.. We had lobster again, walao eh.. I miss those kind of good food.. When i was playin the drinking game with John, end up I lose la and drank the whole bottle but I wasnt bad, coz John lost a bit and drank almost half the bottle.. so yeaaa~ hahaah.. Im still alright with games.. Met new people like John, Albert, Ken, Darren, Alina, Jojo and a bit more yea, but sorry Im lousy with names.. HAHAAH!! It was a good night so yea.. Thats about it??? Been drinking a bit this week, so its time for the pure and innocent may to come out again, and hide the "naughty" may.. hehehe..

Bye all!!

-May out-

Wednesday 19 November 2008

Twilight official release!!

Hey all!!

Twilight movie is coming out SOON!! As in November 21st!! OMG!! Im sooo obsessed with twilight, Im sooo desperate to get the 2nd book but im controlling myself to wait till i get my allowance then I'll go buy! hahaha!! OMG!! I've to wait till dec 19 to watch twilight... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I NEED IT!!!! Its all Ling's fault, she tempted me to read it~~ and now Im obsess!! THANKS LING!! But twilight is AWESOME!! Its just like harry potter moment all over again.. Edward Cullen - Robert Pattinson is SO HOT again!! *drools*, he's from harry potter again.. Walao eh, he's from London, hope i can see him one day~ Sure i pengsan! hahaha.. I was like this with daniel radcliffe, now with robert.. haizz.. If i can see them in anyparts of the UK, sure i will go like "miracle happens" hahaha..

Do you not see obsession is a scary thing?? I'm feeling it but I'm obsess over twilight now, and it took me a while to recover, now it took me less than 10 seconds to go crazy again..
-Obsession and Desperation is a scary thing. Stop me from this madness!!!-


-May out-

Tuesday 18 November 2008



Just now had the engineering maths test and I found out i lost 6 marks already.. Well, if i can pass, then its a miracle from god.. Hahah.. See how la.. I'm sooo bored now, thts y i decided to blog lo.. Blog before about Bath and all these places, so now just blog about my past in London..

Went to london from like 17th-19th Oct 2008 because there was the BSU raya function at Dorchester Hotel on the 19th Oct. Was nice to see my dear aunts again.. Saw my 3rd aunt when i arrived coz Uncle Michael came to the train station to pick me up and we went to see 3rd aunt, steady la them, can recognize me after not seeing me for 10 years, and I didnt send them a picture~ Maybe its cause I look like my mom? Anyhow, 1st night we just had some chinese food and then go to their house to hang a bit.. Next to their house was a plant called "Kelloggs" which I thought was the cereal brand le.. Sekali not long when i went to the chem eng exhibition in Birmingham then i realise tht "Kelloggs" was actually a chemical plant for oil and gas industry!! So dumb la me.. but yea, LAME~~ My aunt and uncle lived a bit outside of london, so here are some pics!

On my second day in London, I met Michael Harry after 10 long years, change already la!! Too bad Amy is in Warwick, so far she's the only family whom I still havent see in the UK.. Hope to see her soon in Christmas/New year tho.. hahaha.. We went to Chinatown coz my big aunt wanted to bring me to eat dim sum~~ Yumm~~ hahaha.. It was gd tho, and Michael and I took a picture with the Chinese Arch, we did the asian pose too!! *Peace*
Chinese Arch

May & Michael

Haha, thats me and my cousin!! =D Second day went by quickly as we walked around China town, went to the Museum nearby, which had LOTS of things from different parts of the world, made me feel like I was travelling tho.. Haha.. And then we went to like LSE to tour around the small university.. My cousin is doing his PhD in LSE and he was an Oxford student before, smart eh?? Haiz.. If only I was like them~~ *Dreaming*.. So just walked a lot in central london and thts a day gone! Oh ya! Ah kian yiyi came to london that day at a very last minute decision and then we met her, thts when i changed my accommodation location from my 3rd aunt's place to where my small aunt was staying.. Her frenz all sooo cool la~! Syok also hang with my small aunt..As seen from my previous blogs.. HAHAHA!!

Next day was the hari raya day! And typical me, woke up late and had to rush things to go to the celebration. I didnt know I had to get the tickets from Brunei Hall, so I tried my luck going to the hotel and it worked!! They had our tickets there as well.. I was sooo glad to see all my friends back from Brunei and we started to cam-whore around the places, pictures can be found in facebook coz I dont have them. I've been in the UK for almost 2 months and I havent been to Brunei hall!! Cannot la me~~ Hahaha.. Brunei hall also invited a indonesian band which seems to be famous but i have no idea who they are.. So I sort of ended the day by visiting Hyde Park with ah kian yiyi and took vain pictures again lo~ The autumn leaves sooo lawa... So it was quite nice to be there..

Haha, Im sooo vain right?? And such a poser, even my friends like Della are calling me poser.. Hahah, but nvm, i enjoy it!! Have to enjoy my time and study hard while I'm still in UK!

Thats all for now!! Byeee..

-May out-

Monday 17 November 2008

Need motivation~~!!

Hey all!!

OMG~ tomorrow got engineering maths test la, shit man.. our lecturer havent been really teaching us stuff and then tomorrow mock liaw, im like lookin thru differentiation and stuff and thinkin "OMG~ WATS THIS??!!".. Guess Im just gonna fail the test?? All my frenz were like "Lets just fail it, if he realise we're doing badly, he mite actually teach us somethin".. Hope true lo~~ Haizz.. But at least ngam ngam pass i also gan yen, fail not nice wa, eventho its not counted..

Anyhow, I need motivation to study!~!~! Someone pleaseee motivate me... Haiyoo.. My mind been thinking of travelling only la.. I'm such a Stupid girL.. Come Manchester is to study, not to travel~ Hahah.. So trying to restrain myself from travelling TOO MUCH.. Hahah.. Too excited liaw bah.. In xmas hols mite go to spain with big yiyi and small yiyi, sooo nice le.. and then after tht mite go exeter find kuku.. Lepas tu, Im thinkin of going London to spend time with my cousins and my big & 3rd yiyi then come bak manchester for HARD CORE STUDYING! Have to man.. After hols, straight away exam.. I need motivation people, show me some loveee~~ hahaha.. LOL-ness.. Anyways, Benlaosu got out of hospital liaw and is now safely at home.. Therefore, he is ok..

I'm so hyper today la.. Must be coz im going a bit crazy with Maths.. Bah.. Enough of my hyperness and its time to study~ TTFN- Ta ta for now~

-May out-

Sunday 16 November 2008

Sunday, Nov 16

Hi ya!

Today was Shopping Day! Hahaa.. Was suppose to meet ying, wai xin and vanessa for grocery shopping at 11am, but soo steady la me, i woke up at 1030am!! Lucky i fast enough can get ready by 11am, tho i was late by like 5 mins? Hahaha... Anyhow, we went to lidl, tesco and asda to buy our stuff.. This week is gonna be "Italian week" so its gonna be pasta this week, tho im gonna try cooking the salmon auntie kian taught me..

Anyhow, benlaosu texted me today and told me that he can only get out of the hospital tomorrow according to doctor's orders.. So seems like everything is going well and I dont have to worry? hehehe.. Now, I need to overcome my sasakness and study hard!! Last night I was trying to do the coursework and I was TOTALLY BLANK!! Thank god, I got teng to help me la... Thanks and soooo sorry teng!!! But it made me feel soooo DUMB! OMG~~ Can I handle chem eng?? Should i change course?? I dont have a choice la.. Government wants us to continue with our chosen course, so its time to work hard!! =D Gambatte!! Jia you!! XD hehehe..

Well, im gonna take this opportunity to congrats my kai mei mei, Jody on her well-done performance altho I haven seen the video.. Haha.. Bring bak old memories when we performed last yr for CHMS 76th anniversary, we brought the oldies BACK! haha.. Seems like my kai mei meis have been on the stage and Im sooo proud of them *Jody and Pei Pei*.. haha.. Its been a long time since 641 union perform, and hopefully its still alive.. Hahha.. Take care gurls.. U kno i miss ya~~ Lovess <3

-May out-

Saturday 15 November 2008

Marina, Beaulieu, New forest, Lyndhurst

I promised that I would talk a bit more of the places i visited during reading week. Unfortunately, I will have to delay Oxford since I havent got the pictures from Auntie Kian, so just sabar la.. Oxford is really nice, the part i went to.. Hahah.. Anywayz...

On my last day in southampton, Nick decided to bring me to tour around the few places mentioned in my title, so..

First stop- Marina,

Its like a total retirement place man!! Its sooo nice.. coz its just next to the sea and there was sooo many boats, the houses were on an "artificial" island and it everyone's dream retirement place i think?? Pictures time!!

Okay.. I'm gonna mix the next 3 places up coz im not sure which picture is which but yeah, I remember the places with the horses and tiny apple is lyndhurst i think.. Hahaha.. Anywayz, After the marina, we went to all these different places before I got back to Southampton Central to catch my train back to Manchester.. Nick was sooo nice, he got me a horse ( a tiny statue thingy) coz I was born in the year of the horse! and Hala treated me to tea.. I feel so pampered yet sooo bad.. Haha.. But yea, they're such AWESOME people!! I wanna meet them again la.. But dunno when.. see la.. Enjoy the picturesss =D

All pictures are available in facebook.. TTFN- Ta ta for now! hehehe..

-May out-

A boring saturday...


Today went to trafford centre with ying to just look around lo.. Hahaha.. ying wanted to "target" her christmas presents so brought her to trafford to see the beautiful shopping centre.. We got lost a bit when we wanted to get the bus back to Whitworth but yea.. we finally found our way and so thats 3 hours gone on window shopping?? Hahaha..

Anyways, benlaosu today tahan in hospital, tht boy ah.. Sick plang.. Hope he's feeling alright, makes me want to get the next ticket to fly back to Brunei la.. See whether he's Ok and take care of him till he gets better.. Fever again~~ Haizzz.. Stupid Moi Nam, must be din cook properly.. Ask government go check them, see whether they clean or not.. Hope he gets well soon lo.. Rolz tried to find me, but i went to church till late night so they couldnt get hold of me.. Nvm la, lucky benlaosu can go home tomorrow or not i really fly back see how he is.. Haha..

Later have to really study lo.. Feel so empty ah, he in hospital, not online to talk to me, not used to it le.. =( But I'll tahan.. Tomorrow he go home liaw kua.. Hopefully and hope he likes the thing i sent to him.. His smile brightens my day as well as my family's happiness.. Hahaha..

Thats all from me..

-May out-

Friday 14 November 2008


Hey all!

Well, now its time to story about my trip to portsmouth and these other places.. Anyways, after we got back to southampton from Bath, Nick called Auntie Kian and was asking whether we wanna go jalan with him.. So it was between going to portsmouth or getting greek food in southampton.. coz Nick owes me greek food!! Hahhaa.. Note: Try greek food with a greek, coz they know what is the best. Anyhow, we decided to go to portsmouth coz there was this synappel tower (sorry i dont know the spelling) but yea.. it was like the mini version of the dubai one.. So in the end, trip to portsmouth won! hahaha.. Eventually, we found steki (an awesome greek restaurant) and so, it was a double win!! Visit to portsmouth AND greek food!! HAHAHA!! Here are some pics of the tower, the pirate ship and a bit of food.. (Pictures can be found on facebook)

the tower

pirate ship!!

cheese saganaki


Thats all of portsmouth from me! There's a bit more places coming soon.. hehehe.. But after 3/4 more places, its gonna be the end of my travelling until I got lots of money again and also the workload is increasing!! Need to increase hours to study laa!! hehehe =D


-May out-

Thursday 13 November 2008

100,000 reasons why I regret not going to Bath for university...

So... I went to Southampton last thursday and then we had a great dinner party.. My aunt was awesome man! She cooked dinner for like 12 people in like 2 hours? and there was soo many good food, we had chicken curry, salmon with some kind of spices, baked cauliflower and broccoli, greek salad and soo much more.. Had red wine tht nite too! Hahaha..

Anyways, this post is suppose to be about Bath. What happened was this trip was soooo last min! Me and aunt just got up and we were like "so whats going on today? On for Bath?" But both of us were sooo lazy coz we got to bed like wat? 4am!! It was crazyyy~~ I wanted to go to Bath, coz i wanted to see what i missed out.. If you dont know, Bath was like my 2nd uni choice just after Manchester.. Anyhow, we decided to go and the coach was about to leave in like 1 hour.. So we jumped out of bed, quickly got our showers and then got ready to catch the bus.. When we got to the coach place, we were like 10 mins early before the coach leaves, sooo what we did, we went to Asda cafe, quickly ate breakfast in like 5 mins, go back to the coach place, got our tickets and hopped on the coach to Bath... On the way, the countryside is beautifull.... let me show you...
So, we reached Bath like around 11ish am? And then our adventure in Bath begins... BATH WAS AMAZING!! ITS SO BEAUTIFUL THERE!! I regretted a bit as I was convincing myself that Manchester University is one of the top 3 schools of chemical engineering in the UK.. But really, bath is soooo awesome, the scenery.. We walked around like sakai for a while until we saw the hop on hop off bus, so we got ourselves tickets and went sightseeing... You can see more pictures in my facebook tho..
Those are just a bit of Bath, check out my facebook pictures if you want to see more.. We spent the whole day just sight seeing and taking lots of pictures and most importantly, SHOPPING!!! hahaha!! Aunt got herself a new red bag whereas I got myself new boots! heehhehe.. soooo happy... I've been wanting boots for soooo long already and I got them from this shop call "Pink Lemons", cool name eh? hehehe.. At Bath, I found this shop which had my name "May" on it, it was "Alexandra May" but yea, you all know im "Annie May"... So close yet so far~ ehehehe.. We went around a bit and when we got hungry, we went to this space called "Sally Lunn", somehow it was a cafe and kitchen museum which was sooo cooL! People were lining up outside to get seats, however, I been a smart person, I cut the queue and went to sit on the seats.. HAHAHA!! OPPSS!! I didnt know we had to queue actually, i thought it was a self service thing.. hehehe.. Can you see the "Alexandra May"? I had Sally Lunn cream tea and auntie kian had The Bath cream tea... They were both awesome.. Never had clotted cream before and it was really nice.. Hahaha..

Sally Lunn Cream Tea

The Bath Cream Tea

Well, there are lots of beautiful pictures and a lot of places to visit in Bath, so if you want to know where to see in Bath, just hop on the city tour bus and skyline tour and you can see wonderful sceneries of Bath..

University of Bath sign

The Park

Well, thats all for now of Bath... Coming soon - Portsmouth, Beaulieu, New forest, Lyndhurst, Oxford... Hahaha.. I should show some pictures of Manchester as well.. =) Enjoy!

-May out-

During reading week...

Last week was reading week, basically where we should stay at home and read.. But instead of studying which I WAS SUPPOSE TO DO... I went off to southampton to find my dear auntie kiannn.. Hahaha..

Thats my dear aunt kian on the Hop on Hop off Bus in Bath.. Well, I went to southampton and the first thing we did was have star bucks!! Hahah.. Later on, we went to asda since she had to get some stuff for her last min party.. Was nice since I met lots of new friends(who were my aunt frenz) and then it happened to be richard's birthday the next day!! Happy Birthday Rick!!

We kept talking till like 3am i think since it was suppose to be Mariam's farewell. Everyone was like "Mariam, don't go, we'll miss you!!" Even some of them cried!! hahaha.. Eventually, something surprising happened and I will let you know! Hehehe.. Anyways, there's more to say but I'm sooo new to this blogging thing.. It feels weird to be writing posts! Haha.. Maybe will get the hang of it soon?? We'll see..

-May out-

Monday 10 November 2008

The Beginning...

Hey all,

Hmmss.. Was thinking whether I should start blogging or not and then decide, what the heck, just do it. Been travelling a bit recently so wants to write the high points and low points of each places I guess? And how "exciting" my life have become ever since I came to Manchester, UK.

Been enjoying a lot since I've arrived and haven't started studying like a proper university where I should be hitting the books every now and then.. But Yeah.. Reading week just ended yesterday and you'll be surprised how a week can just leave just like that. I went to southampton to visit Auntie Kian, and eventually, during my 4 days there, I went to Bath, Oxford, Beaulieu, New forest, Portsmouth and Lyndhurst. Will put up a bit of pictures but then full pictures can be available in facebook =).

Enjoy and thomas.. hehehe.. I finally decide to blog!! *SURPRISE!*

-May out-