Thursday 13 November 2008

During reading week...

Last week was reading week, basically where we should stay at home and read.. But instead of studying which I WAS SUPPOSE TO DO... I went off to southampton to find my dear auntie kiannn.. Hahaha..

Thats my dear aunt kian on the Hop on Hop off Bus in Bath.. Well, I went to southampton and the first thing we did was have star bucks!! Hahah.. Later on, we went to asda since she had to get some stuff for her last min party.. Was nice since I met lots of new friends(who were my aunt frenz) and then it happened to be richard's birthday the next day!! Happy Birthday Rick!!

We kept talking till like 3am i think since it was suppose to be Mariam's farewell. Everyone was like "Mariam, don't go, we'll miss you!!" Even some of them cried!! hahaha.. Eventually, something surprising happened and I will let you know! Hehehe.. Anyways, there's more to say but I'm sooo new to this blogging thing.. It feels weird to be writing posts! Haha.. Maybe will get the hang of it soon?? We'll see..

-May out-

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