Thursday 13 November 2008

100,000 reasons why I regret not going to Bath for university...

So... I went to Southampton last thursday and then we had a great dinner party.. My aunt was awesome man! She cooked dinner for like 12 people in like 2 hours? and there was soo many good food, we had chicken curry, salmon with some kind of spices, baked cauliflower and broccoli, greek salad and soo much more.. Had red wine tht nite too! Hahaha..

Anyways, this post is suppose to be about Bath. What happened was this trip was soooo last min! Me and aunt just got up and we were like "so whats going on today? On for Bath?" But both of us were sooo lazy coz we got to bed like wat? 4am!! It was crazyyy~~ I wanted to go to Bath, coz i wanted to see what i missed out.. If you dont know, Bath was like my 2nd uni choice just after Manchester.. Anyhow, we decided to go and the coach was about to leave in like 1 hour.. So we jumped out of bed, quickly got our showers and then got ready to catch the bus.. When we got to the coach place, we were like 10 mins early before the coach leaves, sooo what we did, we went to Asda cafe, quickly ate breakfast in like 5 mins, go back to the coach place, got our tickets and hopped on the coach to Bath... On the way, the countryside is beautifull.... let me show you...
So, we reached Bath like around 11ish am? And then our adventure in Bath begins... BATH WAS AMAZING!! ITS SO BEAUTIFUL THERE!! I regretted a bit as I was convincing myself that Manchester University is one of the top 3 schools of chemical engineering in the UK.. But really, bath is soooo awesome, the scenery.. We walked around like sakai for a while until we saw the hop on hop off bus, so we got ourselves tickets and went sightseeing... You can see more pictures in my facebook tho..
Those are just a bit of Bath, check out my facebook pictures if you want to see more.. We spent the whole day just sight seeing and taking lots of pictures and most importantly, SHOPPING!!! hahaha!! Aunt got herself a new red bag whereas I got myself new boots! heehhehe.. soooo happy... I've been wanting boots for soooo long already and I got them from this shop call "Pink Lemons", cool name eh? hehehe.. At Bath, I found this shop which had my name "May" on it, it was "Alexandra May" but yea, you all know im "Annie May"... So close yet so far~ ehehehe.. We went around a bit and when we got hungry, we went to this space called "Sally Lunn", somehow it was a cafe and kitchen museum which was sooo cooL! People were lining up outside to get seats, however, I been a smart person, I cut the queue and went to sit on the seats.. HAHAHA!! OPPSS!! I didnt know we had to queue actually, i thought it was a self service thing.. hehehe.. Can you see the "Alexandra May"? I had Sally Lunn cream tea and auntie kian had The Bath cream tea... They were both awesome.. Never had clotted cream before and it was really nice.. Hahaha..

Sally Lunn Cream Tea

The Bath Cream Tea

Well, there are lots of beautiful pictures and a lot of places to visit in Bath, so if you want to know where to see in Bath, just hop on the city tour bus and skyline tour and you can see wonderful sceneries of Bath..

University of Bath sign

The Park

Well, thats all for now of Bath... Coming soon - Portsmouth, Beaulieu, New forest, Lyndhurst, Oxford... Hahaha.. I should show some pictures of Manchester as well.. =) Enjoy!

-May out-

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