Saturday 22 November 2008

Out 2 nights in a row..

Hey all,

November 21st, Friday

Wow, I've been out two nights in a row.. First time le~ hahaha!! Anyways, last night there was the combination of people society, korean society and japanese society event at Bar 38. Was actually thinking of just going to help out then go back, but eventually, I ended staying there till 1.30am... The drinks there are soooo expensive la!! Like the drink i had, doubles vodka +lemonade costed me like almost 5 pounds, which is CRAZZYYY!!! hahaha, so i ended up not drinking and went clubbin instead.. Hahaha..

Btw, do i look japanese?? Coz there was this bunch of guys who grab me, coz they wanna kno me sort of thing and they were like "Are you japanese?" and i was like "No!! Im chinese" hahaha.. SO LUI LA~~ hahaha.. It was a great night tho so KI YAN!! U DID A GOOD JOB GIRL! hehehe.. Ki yan was sooo worried coz she was afraid the venue was too small but i think the night went well excluding people getting drunk and almost involve in fights, but yea, thts manchester.. Me and Ki yan were lucky enough coz we were waiting for magic bus to come, but it took like FOREVER, so we decided to just hop on finglands.. All the sudden, when we just got into the bus, the place we were standing just now, there was a fight, sampai involve in the road man~ GILA!! Lucky we hop on the bus on the right time, or not I donno wats gonna happen.. hahah, eventually me and ki yan just had a nice chit chat then we went our separate ways, I went back home whereas she went off to meet her bf.. So nice laaaa~ I wish my boy is here, oh wells... He'll wait for me to come back home~~ hahaha

November 22nd, Saturday

Hahaha.. I finally finish one part of coursework!! Lucky got jerom teach me man~ Or not i dun think i'll know what i did wrong.. Hahaha!! Hopefully i did it correctly~ Gonna meet up with jerom, teng and chang tomorrow to finish off the coursework.. Anyhow, tonight i went out again to Tom's birthday~ Well, after i got home from doing work. Tom keep persuading me to go to his birthday, but i was afraid coz I dunno his frenz.. Lucky enough, Jee was going, so i decided to just go la.. Have a bit of fun ma ryte? Before going to the party, Me and waixin went to MSSM AGM 2008 coz vanessa texted wai xin to come and support her, so in the end we just went to give our full support. After the whole AGM, we went to eat in McD, since waixin had been cravin McD for quite some time, well they ate and i just drank my tiny sprite..

Not long, jee was ready and we went off to Tom's party.. That jee ah, suppose go with him together, then he put me aeroplane, ask me go myself first.. Lucky jade was there to accompany me, or not i scare i get lost in Chinatown la, I'm still not familiar with the place.. Come on la, Altho the part of manchester im stayin is not tht big, its bigger than KB. Hahaha!! So getting lost is quite common to me? hahaha.. Well, we had a nice night and I've met some new frenz!! I even learn how 2 play the drinking game!! YAY!! *Thanks John!!* haha.. We had lobster again, walao eh.. I miss those kind of good food.. When i was playin the drinking game with John, end up I lose la and drank the whole bottle but I wasnt bad, coz John lost a bit and drank almost half the bottle.. so yeaaa~ hahaah.. Im still alright with games.. Met new people like John, Albert, Ken, Darren, Alina, Jojo and a bit more yea, but sorry Im lousy with names.. HAHAAH!! It was a good night so yea.. Thats about it??? Been drinking a bit this week, so its time for the pure and innocent may to come out again, and hide the "naughty" may.. hehehe..

Bye all!!

-May out-

1 comment:

Stels said...

eh! Been partying alot ha!

Don't bring me is it?