Tuesday 18 November 2008



Just now had the engineering maths test and I found out i lost 6 marks already.. Well, if i can pass, then its a miracle from god.. Hahah.. See how la.. I'm sooo bored now, thts y i decided to blog lo.. Blog before about Bath and all these places, so now just blog about my past in London..

Went to london from like 17th-19th Oct 2008 because there was the BSU raya function at Dorchester Hotel on the 19th Oct. Was nice to see my dear aunts again.. Saw my 3rd aunt when i arrived coz Uncle Michael came to the train station to pick me up and we went to see 3rd aunt, steady la them, can recognize me after not seeing me for 10 years, and I didnt send them a picture~ Maybe its cause I look like my mom? Anyhow, 1st night we just had some chinese food and then go to their house to hang a bit.. Next to their house was a plant called "Kelloggs" which I thought was the cereal brand le.. Sekali not long when i went to the chem eng exhibition in Birmingham then i realise tht "Kelloggs" was actually a chemical plant for oil and gas industry!! So dumb la me.. but yea, LAME~~ My aunt and uncle lived a bit outside of london, so here are some pics!

On my second day in London, I met Michael Harry after 10 long years, change already la!! Too bad Amy is in Warwick, so far she's the only family whom I still havent see in the UK.. Hope to see her soon in Christmas/New year tho.. hahaha.. We went to Chinatown coz my big aunt wanted to bring me to eat dim sum~~ Yumm~~ hahaha.. It was gd tho, and Michael and I took a picture with the Chinese Arch, we did the asian pose too!! *Peace*
Chinese Arch

May & Michael

Haha, thats me and my cousin!! =D Second day went by quickly as we walked around China town, went to the Museum nearby, which had LOTS of things from different parts of the world, made me feel like I was travelling tho.. Haha.. And then we went to like LSE to tour around the small university.. My cousin is doing his PhD in LSE and he was an Oxford student before, smart eh?? Haiz.. If only I was like them~~ *Dreaming*.. So just walked a lot in central london and thts a day gone! Oh ya! Ah kian yiyi came to london that day at a very last minute decision and then we met her, thts when i changed my accommodation location from my 3rd aunt's place to where my small aunt was staying.. Her frenz all sooo cool la~! Syok also hang with my small aunt..As seen from my previous blogs.. HAHAHA!!

Next day was the hari raya day! And typical me, woke up late and had to rush things to go to the celebration. I didnt know I had to get the tickets from Brunei Hall, so I tried my luck going to the hotel and it worked!! They had our tickets there as well.. I was sooo glad to see all my friends back from Brunei and we started to cam-whore around the places, pictures can be found in facebook coz I dont have them. I've been in the UK for almost 2 months and I havent been to Brunei hall!! Cannot la me~~ Hahaha.. Brunei hall also invited a indonesian band which seems to be famous but i have no idea who they are.. So I sort of ended the day by visiting Hyde Park with ah kian yiyi and took vain pictures again lo~ The autumn leaves sooo lawa... So it was quite nice to be there..

Haha, Im sooo vain right?? And such a poser, even my friends like Della are calling me poser.. Hahah, but nvm, i enjoy it!! Have to enjoy my time and study hard while I'm still in UK!

Thats all for now!! Byeee..

-May out-

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